Friday, April 3, 2009

The end of a small hiatus

I took two weeks off some time ago to go home... it was wonderful for the body, mind and soul... but it interrupted all rhythms.... twice.... once on the way out... and then when I had just started to settle in.... trying to regain my original rhythms on return..... 'jet lag' does not quite describe what happens.... for it is more than just the body that is out of kilter..... so it is no surprise then that my blogging juices ran dry... or perhaps it was just procrastination.... maybe writer's blog..... but the mind was buzzing.... in these times how else could it be?... and then I had left a topic that I was writing on incomplete..... so this is an attempt to get back into that rhythm....  

Interesting thing happened the other day and it had to do with blogging.... was researching the topic of blogging..... in the course I kept coming across references to a book ....The Corporate Blogging Book  by Debbie Weil .  I almost considered buying it.... contrary to my normal tendencies....I defer acting for some reason..... that evening I saunter into my favorite used books store.... my last destination is the clearance section... it is amazing how some of the best books end up there..... and what do I find.... 'The Book!"..... it is as if the book was sending me messages not to buy online....Sometimes when you are looking for things.... it is like opening up your mind.... and you start seeing things or noticing them..... has that happened to you... somewhat like when your mind is hooked on buying that PT cruiser and you start seeing it everywhere....  

well... if nothing else it gave me a story that I thought would be interesting to tell... .and got me back to blogging....  

oh yes.... while I am on the research I found something else.... a recent post on the topic of blogging....Irving Wladawsky-Berger on blogging ...

1 comment:

  1. I have noticed this phenomenon several times and and have a name for it. We call it the "Pink Cow" syndrome. That means if you see a pink cow in the morning you are very likely to see one in the afternoon!
